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Where Is Your Vision Board?

Writer's picture: C. Renee MangumC. Renee Mangum

Hey entrepreneurs, it’s almost the second half of the year! Back in January, we were all ecstatic about creating our 2018 vision boards. We had parties and attended events and got our kids involved. Some of us even went the extra mile and created multiple vision boards for family, business, self, etc. Scissors, glue and magazines were a hot commodity in January and we were fired up, right?!

So… where are those vision boards now? As we get ready to enter the month of June, let’s do a temperature check. Have you stayed on track to achieve what your vision boards showcase?

As we all should know, it takes more than you saying and showing what you want in your life. It’s more than just seeing the vision. It’s all about EXECUTION! What steps have you put in place to actually accomplish the vision? Have you broken down your vision into specific and measurable goals with an action plan attached?

If you did that, AWESOME! Where are you in that process? Have you fallen off? Are you right on target with those goals? How bright is the vision looking?

If you didn’t make an action plan that matched the vision you want to come to fruition in your life, you missed the most vital part. The vision only works if you do.

Whether you’re on track or not, it’s not too late to get where you need to be!

As we go into the second half, it’s time to get re-energized and refocused on the vision.

As for me personally, I’m not a vision board gal. I’m a “write the vision and make it plain” type of visionary. I like to read my vision, reflect on my written words throughout the year and then add to it as goals get completed and new goals get added.

So I go back and read through my Strictly Business planner books. I use the 90-day version of my planner and I treat each 90-day time frame as its own year (I developed this way of thinking from the book The 12 Week Year). I go back and evaluate my progress throughout each quarter. I’m very honest with myself when I journal about my progress each day, week and month. That helps me see my strengths and areas of opportunity.

However you evaluate yourself and your progress, it’s time to do a self-check on that vision you set out to see for this year. Be honest with yourself, set new goals, complete old ones and keep the momentum flowing. Truly make 2018 your best year yet by doing this mid-year evaluation of yourself and your business.

After evaluating, GET READY FOR THE SECOND HALF! I am offering a Second Half Bundle to help you finish the year STRONG. This bundle includes:

- A 90-minute strategy session with me to discuss and scale your second half goals ($197 value)

- A 90-day Strictly Business planner (whichever cover you choose… $18 value)

- A 90-day social media tracker designed by Glam Marketing (see details on the tracker here… $47 value)

- A website audit to ensure your site is optimized and performing at its highest potential ($47 value)

- A social media audit on your Facebook and Instagram pages ($27 value)

This bundle (total value of $336) is ONLY $97 AND ONLY OFFERED UNTIL JUNE 1ST.

Don’t delay. Let’s get ready for the second half!


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